9 Decision Theory
Statistical decision theory is the branch of statistics that concerns itself with figuring out the best possible choice to make in a given situation using probability theory. Colloquially, decisions often have pros and cons. We can quantify these pros and cons using a loss function, and calculate the expected loss of a given decision (formally called risk). As you might guess, risk is something we want to minimize. We can minimize risk (after formally defining it) using the same calculus techniques we’ve been using all semester!
For the purposes of this class, the “decisions” we make are our choice of estimator for an unknown parameters. This is one type of deterministic decision rule. At the beginning of this course, we learned about two different intuitive approaches to defining estimators (or “decisions”): maximum likelihood estimation and the method of moments. In this chapter, we’ll find estimators that minimize risk!
While decision theory is not inherently Bayesian, it is one way to “justify” point estimates from posterior distributions. Bayes estimates are posterior point estimates that minimize a certain loss function. The posterior mean, median, and mode are all such point estimates, for example.
An important concept in decision theory is the idea of admissibility. An admissible decision rule is one that has the lowest possible risk out of all decision rules, for all possible parameter values. It is easier to define (in math) an inadmissible decision rule, and then note that an admissible decision rule is not inadmissible (double negative).
An decision rule \(D\) (think, \(\hat{\theta}\)) is inadmissible if there exists a rule \(D'\) (think, some other estimator) such that
\[\begin{align*} R(D, \theta) & \leq R(D, \theta) \quad \forall \theta \\ R(D', \theta) & < R(D, \theta) \quad \text{ for some } \theta \end{align*}\]
where \(R(D, \theta)\) is the risk of a decision \(D\) for a paramater \(\theta\). If \(D\) is not inadmissible, it is admissible. In words, in order for a decision rule to be admissible, it must have risk at least as small as every other possible decision rule everywhere in the parameter space, and it must have strictly lower risk for at least one parameter value.
One of the most fascinating results to come out of decision theory (in my personal opinion) is that the sample mean is not an admissible decision rule for the mean of a Multivariate Normal distribution under MSE loss when the mean has greater than or equal to three dimensions! Relating this to what you know from introductory statistics, this means that (from a decision theory perspective) least squares is not an admissible approach to estimating the regression coefficients in a linear regression model with at least two covariates. The specific (biased) estimator of the mean that provides a lower MSE in this case is called the James-Stein estimator.
One other “property” of a decision rule in addition to admissibility is called minimaxity. Think once more about pros and cons of decisions. Some cons are worse than others (consider extreme side effects of drugs, for example). A minimax decision rule is one that the lowest possible maximal risk, out of a set of decision rules. It “minimizes” the “maximum”!
Bayes and minimax decision rules are generally related through the concept of a least favorable prior sequence. Intuitively, a “least favorable” prior is one that leads to higher risk than other priors. The theory involved in minimax problems requires a pretty solid understanding of analysis techniques, and are beyond the scope of this course (but are interesting to look into on your own time!).
9.1 Learning Objectives
By the end of this chapter, you should be able to…
- Derive a Bayes estimate for a common loss function
- Distinguish between admissible and inadmissible decision rules
9.2 Concept Questions
9.2.1 Reading Questions
- What are some examples of commonly-used loss functions?
- What are the typical steps to finding a Bayes estimate?
- What are the Bayes estimates for absolute error loss and squared error loss?
- What does it mean for a decision rule to be admissible (in colloquial language)?
- What does it mean for a decision rule to be minimax (in colloquial language)?
9.3 Definitions
Loss Function
Let \(\hat{\theta}\) be an estimator for \(\theta\). A loss function associated with \(\hat{\theta}\) is denoted \(L(\hat{\theta}, \theta)\), where \(L(\hat{\theta}, \theta) \geq 0\) and \(L(\theta, \theta) = 0\). A reasonable loss function will increase the further away \(\hat{\theta}\) and \(\theta\) are from each other.
Decision Rule
For the purposes of this class, an estimator! In the statistics literature, you will often see this denoted \(D\), but we can also denote the decision rule \(\hat{\theta}\) for this class.
In words, risk is the expected loss of our decision, given our data. In math,
\[ R(\hat{\theta}, \theta) = E[L(\hat{\theta}, \theta) \mid \textbf{Y}] = \int L(\hat{\theta}, \theta) \pi(\theta \mid \textbf{Y}) d\theta \]
Bayes Estimate
A Bayes estimate is the estimate or decision rule that minimizes risk (expected posterior loss). This is sometimes called a “Bayes rule” in the literature.
Unique Bayes Rule
For a given prior \(\pi(\theta)\), a decision rule \(D_\pi\) is a unique Bayes rule (estimate) if, for all \(\theta\), a decision rule is a Bayes rule if and only if it is equal to \(D_\pi\). Bayes rules are unique when:
The loss function used is MSE loss
The risk of the Bayes rule is finite
A \(\sigma\)-field condition is satisfied (well beyond the scope of this course)
For what we consider in this course, whenever we use MSE loss in this course, the other two conditions will be satisfied.
An decision rule \(D\) is inadmissible if there exists a rule \(D'\) such that
\[\begin{align*} R(D', \theta) & \leq R(D, \theta) \quad \forall \theta \\ R(D', \theta) & < R(D, \theta) \quad \text{ for some } \theta \end{align*}\]
where \(R(D, \theta)\) is the risk of a decision \(D\) for a paramater \(\theta\). If \(D\) is not inadmissible, it is admissible.
9.4 Theorems
Theorem (Unique Bayes rules are admissible). Any unique Bayes rule is admissible.
Proof. We’ll prove this by contradiction!
Suppose that \(D_\pi\) is a unique Bayes rule with respect to some prior \(\pi(\theta)\), and that \(D_\pi\) is inadmissible. Then there exists some other decision rule \(D'\) such that \(R(D', \theta) \leq R(D_\pi, \theta)\), for all \(\theta\). Then,
\[\begin{align*} R(D', \theta) & \leq R(D_{\pi}, \theta) \quad \quad \text{(inadmissibility)} \\ & = \inf_D R(D, \pi) \quad \quad \text{($D_\pi$ is Bayes)} \end{align*}\]
and since \(R(D', \theta) \leq \inf_D R(D, \pi)\), \(D'\) is Bayes. But \(D_\pi\) is unique Bayes by assumption, so this is a contradiction.
Therefore, \(D_\pi\) is admissible.
9.5 Worked Examples
Problem 1: Show that the posterior median is the decision rule that minimizes risk with respect to absolute loss, \(L(\hat{\theta}, \theta) = |\hat{\theta} - \theta|\).
We can write the risk with respect to absolute loss as
\[\begin{align*} R(\theta_0, \theta) & = E[L(\theta_0, \theta) \mid \textbf{Y}] \\ & = \int L(\theta_0, \theta) \pi(\theta \mid \textbf{y}) d\theta \\ & = \int |\theta_0 - \theta| \pi(\theta \mid \textbf{y}) d\theta \\ & = \int_{I\{\theta_0 \geq \theta \}} \left( \theta_0 - \theta \right) \pi(\theta \mid \textbf{y}) d\theta + \int_{I\{\theta_0 < \theta \}} \left( \theta - \theta_0 \right) \pi(\theta \mid \textbf{y}) d\theta \\ & = \int_{-\infty}^{\theta_0} \left( \theta_0 - \theta \right) \pi(\theta \mid \textbf{y}) d\theta + \int_{\theta_0}^\infty \left( \theta - \theta_0 \right) \pi(\theta \mid \textbf{y}) d\theta \end{align*}\]
Taking the derivative with respect to \(\theta_0\), and setting this equal to zero we get
\[\begin{align*} 0 & \equiv \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta_0} R(\theta_0, \theta) \\ & = \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta_0} \left( \int_{-\infty}^{\theta_0} \left( \theta_0 - \theta \right) \pi(\theta \mid \textbf{y}) d\theta + \int_{\theta_0}^\infty \left( \theta - \theta_0 \right) \pi(\theta \mid \textbf{y}) d\theta \right) \\ & = \left( \theta_0 - \theta_0 \right) \pi(\theta_0 \mid \textbf{y}) - \int_{-\infty}^{\theta_0} \pi(\theta \mid \textbf{y}) d\theta - \left( \theta_0 - \theta_0 \right) \pi(\theta_0 \mid \textbf{y}) + \int_{\theta_0}^\infty \pi(\theta \mid \textbf{y}) d\theta \\ & = - \int_{-\infty}^{\theta_0} \pi(\theta \mid \textbf{y}) d\theta + \int_{\theta_0}^\infty \pi(\theta \mid \textbf{y}) d\theta \\ \int_{-\infty}^{\theta_0} \pi(\theta \mid \textbf{y}) d\theta & = \int_{\theta_0}^\infty \pi(\theta \mid \textbf{y}) d\theta \end{align*}\]
(recalling that \(\int_{-\infty}^x f(y) dy = f(x)\) and \(\int_x^\infty f(y) dy = -f(x)\) and applying chain rule), and note that these two integrals are equal when \(\theta_0\) is the posterior median.
Problem 2: Show that the posterior mode is the decision rule that minimizes risk with respect to 0-1 loss,
\[ L(\hat{\theta}, \theta) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if $\hat{\theta} = \theta$} \\ 1 & \text{if $\hat{\theta} \neq \theta$}\end{cases} \]
when \(\theta\) is a discrete random variable.
Note that we can rewrite the 0-1 loss function as \(L(\hat{\theta},\theta) = 1 - I\{\hat{\theta} = \theta\}\). Then we can write,
\[\begin{align*} R(\theta_0, \theta) & = E[L(\theta_0, \theta) \mid \textbf{Y}] \\ & = \sum_{\theta} L(\theta_0, \theta) \pi(\theta \mid \textbf{y}) \\ & = \sum_{\theta} \left( 1 - I\{\theta_0 = \theta\} \right) \pi( \theta \mid \textbf{y} ) \\ & = \sum_{\theta} \pi( \theta \mid \textbf{y} ) - \sum_{\theta} I\{\theta_0 = \theta\} \pi( \theta \mid \textbf{y}) \\ & = 1 - \pi(\theta_0 \mid \textbf{y}) \end{align*}\]
since pmfs sum to \(1\). Then taking the derivative and setting this equal to zero gives
\[\begin{align*} 0 & \equiv \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta_0} R(\theta_0, \theta) \\ & = \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta_0} \left( 1 - \pi(\theta_0 \mid \textbf{y}) \right) \\ & = \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta_0} \pi(\theta_0 \mid \textbf{y}) \end{align*}\]
and the solution to this equation is, by definition, the posterior mode.
Note: For the case where \(\theta\) is a continuous random variable, we need something called a Dirac delta function to prove this. The reasoning for why we need this (and the proof, which is similar to the discrete case) is given below.
Solution for continuous \(\theta\) :
Note that we can rewrite the 0-1 loss function as \(L(\hat{\theta},\theta) = 1 - \delta\{\hat{\theta} - \theta\}\), where \(\delta\) is the Dirac delta function. Then we can write,
\[\begin{align*} R(\theta_0, \theta) & = E[L(\theta_0, \theta) \mid \textbf{Y}] \\ & = \int L(\theta_0, \theta) \pi(\theta \mid \textbf{y}) d\theta \\ & = \int \left( 1 - \delta(\theta_0 - \theta) \right) \pi( \theta \mid \textbf{y} ) d\theta \\ & = \int \pi( \theta \mid \textbf{y} ) d\theta - \int \delta(\theta_0 - \theta) \pi( \theta \mid \textbf{y}) d\theta \\ & = 1 - \pi(\theta_0 \mid \textbf{y}) \end{align*}\]
since pdfs integrate to \(1\). The reason why we can’t use the same indicator definition as for the discrete case is because the integral of an indicator that is only positive at a single observation is zero. The Dirac delta function, on the other hand, has positive mass (equal to 1) at \(\theta_0 - \theta = 0\). Take Projects in Real Analysis to learn more! Taking the derivative and setting this equal to zero gives the same result as in the discrete case.