
State-level SAT Scores

Source: From Deborah Lynn Guber (1999) “Getting What You Pay For: The Debate Over Equity in Public School Expenditures” Journal of Statistics Education 7(2) available from


State Name of state (in quotation marks)

expend - Expenditure per pupil in average daily attendance in public elementary and sec- ondary schools, 1994-95 (in thousands of dollars)

ratio - Average pupil/teacher ratio in public elementary and secondary schools, Fall 1994

salary Estimated average annual salary of teachers in public elementary and secondary schools, 1994-95 (in thousands of dollars)

frac — Percentage of all eligible students taking the SAT, 1994-95

verbal - Average verbal SAT score, 1994-95

math - Average math SAT score, 1994-95

sat ― Average total score on the SAT, 1994-95