Data obtained from US DoE College Scorecard website on July 8, 2024. Downloaded the most recent institution-level data.
Dataset contains information on 1651 colleges in the U.S. Useful for thinking about data context, as the GradRate variable is percentage of students earning a degree in exactly 4 years, so for some colleges in the dataset this is zero. Data was cleaned by Taylor Okonek on July 8th, 2024 to only include observations with both a recorded admissions rate and graduation rate in the most recently available, institution-level data.
: Name of collegeType
: School type (Public, Private nonprofit, Private for-profit)GradRate
: Proportion of students earning a degree in 4 years (ranges from 0 to 1)AdmisRate
: Admission rate; that is, the proportion of applicants admitted to the college (ranges from 0 to 1)