
Himalayan Climber Data

Source Original source: Complete dataset distributed by:

Description A sub-sample of the Himalayan Database distributed through the R for Data Science TidyTuesday project. This dataset includes information on the results and conditions for various Himalayan climbing expeditions. Each row corresponds to a single member of a climbing expedition team.

Usage climbers_sub Format A data frame with 2076 observations (1 per climber) and 22 variables:

expedition_id unique expedition identifier

member_id unique climber identifier

peak_id unique identifier of the expedition’s destination peak

peak_name name of the expedition’s destination peak

year year of expedition

season season of expedition (Autumn, Spring, Summer, Winter)

sex climber gender identity which the database oversimplifies to a binary category

age climber age

citizenship climber citizenship

expedition_role climber’s role in the expedition (eg: Co-Leader)

hired whether the climber was a hired member of the expedition

highpoint_metres the destination peak’s highpoint (metres)

success whether the climber successfully reached the destination

solo whether the climber was on a solo expedition

oxygen_used whether the climber utilized supplemental oxygen

died whether the climber died during the expedition

death_cause death_height_metres injured whether the climber was injured on the expedition

injury_type injury_height_metres count number of climbers in the expedition

height_metres height of the peak in meters

first_ascent_year the year of the first recorded summit of the peak (though not necessarily the actual first summit!)