
Big Mac Data

Source: UBS 2006 Report - A comparison of purchasing_power around the globe (https: // prices and earnings en.pdf); Archived copy of pdf

Variable Definition Notes
bigmac_mins average minutes to earn 1 Big Mac Price of the product divided by the weighted net hourly wage in 14 professions.
bread_mins average minutes to earn 1 kg of bread Price of the product divided by the weighted net hourly wage in 14 professions.
rice_mins average minutes to earn 1 kg of rice Price of the product divided by the weighted net hourly wage in 14 professions.
gross_annual_teacher_income average gross teacher salary in 1 year (USD) Teaching in the state school system (not private schools) for around 10 years; about 35 years old married two children.
net_annual_teacher_salary average net teacher salary in 1 year (USD) Teaching in the state school system (not private schools) for around 10 years; about 35 years old married two children.
teacher_hours_worked average number of hours work per week Only comparable to a limited extent; as a rule number of teaching hours plus average number of hours required for preparation but in some cases teaching hours only